

またまた久しぶりのブログ更新。3月に入ってほにゃ子はとうとう風邪をひきました。もともとは2月28日、雛人形をギリギリに買いに行き(祖父母から初節句にとお祝いのお金をもらっていたのですが買うのはギリギリになりました)、そのときに寒い中を歩き回ったのがいけなかったのです。奈良の一刀彫の人形を見るのに、いくつかのお店を回って、奈良公園をぐるりと歩いて、結局某デパートに戻ったのでした。結局、一刀彫で気に入ったのはとても予算にあわず、平安調のかわいい雛人形を買いました。旧暦でお祝いすることにして(1か月お人形を飾ることに)・・・といっても3月3日にはせっかくなので、(即席の!)ちらしずしとハマグリのお吸い物を作りました。でも、その日からほにゃ子の風邪は悪化しました・・・。熱が出て、夜機嫌が悪くて2時から5時までずっと寝ずにいた日もあったし、よくなったと思ったら、また機嫌が悪くなり、おかしいなぁと思ったら中耳炎になってしまい・・・。よくなったと思ったら、もう3月も半ば。そんなこんなで、私もツル介も風邪をうつされ病院へ・・・。親とはそんなもんなんですね。それにしても、病気になりながらも、ほにゃ子のこの2週間での成長ぶりはすごいです。病気の間に、自分で座れるようになり、少しずつ立とうとし始め、バイバイやバンザイを覚え・・・。赤ちゃんとはほんとにすごい! 病気になりながらも笑わせてくれます。

It’s been a while again since the last update of my blog. Honyako finally got a cold as soon as March started. It was because of what we did on the 28th of February. We went out to buy Hina Ningyo (dolls for the Doll Festival “Hina Matsuri”) just in time for the festival, which is March 3rd, and we wandered around in the cold weather (her grandparents had given us money so that we could buy dolls for her; we just ended up waiting till the last minute). We wanted to see the special Nara dolls called Itto Bori (“carving with one knife”) and we walked around the Nara Park after visiting several shops. The Itto Bori dolls we liked were beyond our budget, so we ended up buying Heian Style cute Hina Matsuri dolls instead. We are going to display the dolls according to the moon calendar so that we can enjoy them for a month. But I made Chirashi Zushi (instant though!) and clam soup for the festival day. From that day, Honyako’s cold got worse…. Her temperature went up and she couldn’t sleep very well at night time. One time, she just couldn’t go back to sleep for three hours straight, from two to five in the morning. When we thought she was getting better, she became grumpy again, and we found out that she got ear infection (inflammation of the middle ear). When she’s finally getting well (which is now), it’s already mid-March. In the meantime, both Tsurusuke and I got a cold from Honyako’s and had to go to hospital. So, this is what parents are all about. I see. Anyhow, we were impressed by how much Honyako’s been growing in spite of her sickness. While being sick, Honyako began to be able to sit by herself (to change her positions from lying on her belly to sitting), try to stand by herself (with our supports still needed, but she’s trying), and learn some gestures such as “bye” and “banzai!” Babies are really amazing. Honyako kept bringing lots of laughs while being sick – while recovering from her sickness.

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